type var_name = string
type value = F of float | I of int | B of bool
type subst = Luc4ocaml.var_name * Luc4ocaml.value
type inputs = Luc4ocaml.subst list
type outputs = Luc4ocaml.subst list
type locals = Luc4ocaml.subst list
type solution = Luc4ocaml.outputs * Luc4ocaml.locals
type state
val make :
int -> bool -> string -> int -> int -> string list -> Luc4ocaml.state
type step_mode = StepInside | StepEdges | StepVertices
val step :
Luc4ocaml.step_mode ->
Luc4ocaml.state ->
Luc4ocaml.inputs -> Luc4ocaml.state * Luc4ocaml.solution
val step_se :
Luc4ocaml.step_mode ->
Luc4ocaml.state Stdlib.ref -> Luc4ocaml.inputs -> Luc4ocaml.solution
val rif_read :
Stdlib.in_channel ->
Luc4ocaml.state -> Luc4ocaml.inputs * Luc4ocaml.state
val string_of_value : Luc4ocaml.value -> string