let nb_instants = ref (-1)

(* simulation space *)
let max_x = ref 800
let max_y = ref 800

let area_size_x = ref 80
let area_size_y = ref 80

(* nodes *)
let nb_nodes = ref 500 
let coverage_range = ref 80
let speed = ref 1

(* packets *)
let elip_proba = ref 100.0
let elip_forecast = ref 0

let msg_proba = ref 50.0
let msg_len = ref 1

(* outputs *)
let with_graphics = ref true

(* Set functions *)
let option_set r v = r := Some v

let set_option r v_opt =
  match v_opt with
  | None -> ()
  | Some v -> r := v

let set_size t =
  set_option max_x t;
  set_option max_y t

let set_density d =
  let surface = float_of_int (!max_x * !max_y) in
  let range =
      (sqrt(d *. surface /. (3.14 *. float_of_int(!nb_nodes))))
  coverage_range := range

let set_with_graphics r v_opt =
  match v_opt with
  | None -> ()
  | Some v -> r := not v

let set_area t_opt =
  match t_opt with
  | None ->
      area_size_x := 2 * !coverage_range;
      area_size_y := 2 * !coverage_range
  | Some t ->
      area_size_x := t;
      area_size_y := t

(* Configuration function *)
let configure () = 
  let doc_N = "<nb> nombre d'instant de smulation"
  and doc_D = "<density> densité par zone de couverture"
  and doc_n = "<nb> nombre de noeuds dans la topologie"
  and doc_t = "<longueur> longueur d'un cote"
  and doc_range = "<r> rayon de couverture" 
  and doc_area = "<longueur> longueur d'un cote d'une area"
  and doc_o = 
    "<pref> calcul des stats (<pref> est lepréfixe des fichiers de sortie)"
  and doc_msg_proba = "<p> probabilité d'émission d'un message"
  and doc_msg_len = "<n> longueur max d'un message"
  and doc_elip_proba = "<n> probabilité d'insertion d'une info de elip"
(*  and doc_elip_forecast = "<n> distance de prevision" *)
  and doc_nox = " sans mode graphique"
  and doc_node = "<n> numero du noeud observé"
  and doc_seed = "<n> initialisation du random"
  and errmsg = "Options are:"
  let var_N = ref None
  and var_D = ref None
  and var_n = ref None
  and var_t = ref None
  and var_range = ref None
  and var_area = ref None
(*  and var_o = ref None *)
  and var_msg_proba = ref None
  and var_msg_len = ref None
  and var_elip_proba = ref None
(*  and var_elip_forecast = ref None *)
  and var_node = ref None
  and var_seed = ref None
    [ ("-N", Arg.Int (option_set var_N), doc_N);
      ("-n", Arg.Int (option_set var_n), doc_n);
      ("-t", Arg.Int (option_set var_t), doc_t);
      ("-range", Arg.Int (option_set var_range), doc_range);
      ("-D", Arg.Float (option_set var_D), doc_D);
      ("-area", Arg.Int (option_set var_area), doc_area);
      ("-msg_proba", Arg.Float (option_set var_msg_proba), doc_msg_proba);
      ("-msg_len", Arg.Int (option_set var_msg_len), doc_msg_len);
      ("-elip_proba", Arg.Float (option_set var_elip_proba), doc_elip_proba);
(*      ("-o", Arg.String (option_set var_o), doc_o);*)
      ("-nox", Arg.Clear with_graphics, doc_nox); 
      ("-node", Arg.Int (option_set var_node), doc_node);
      ("-seed", Arg.Int (option_set var_seed), doc_seed);
    (fun s -> raise (Invalid_argument s))

  if (!var_D <> None) && (!var_range <> None) then 
    failwith "-D and -range are not compatible";
  set_option nb_instants !var_N;
  set_option nb_nodes !var_n;
  set_size !var_t;
  set_option coverage_range !var_range;
  begin match !var_D with
  | None -> ()
  | Some d -> set_density d
  set_area !var_area;
  set_option elip_proba !var_elip_proba;
  set_option msg_proba !var_msg_proba;
  set_option msg_len !var_msg_len;
  begin match !var_seed with
  | None -> Random.self_init()
  | Some seed -> Random.init seed