module Luc4ocaml:sig
Lucky ocaml API.
typevar_name =
value =
| |
F of |
| |
I of |
| |
B of |
typesubst =
var_name * value
typeinputs =
subst list
typeoutputs =
subst list
typelocals =
subst list
typesolution =
outputs * locals
Abtract state containing the Lucky runtime information. A step in Lucky machine updates this state.
val make : int -> bool -> string -> int -> int -> string list -> state
Builds the initial state of the Lucky machine
step_mode =
| |
StepInside |
| |
StepEdges |
| |
StepVertices |
To indicate whether the point used to perform the step is drawn inside, at edges, or at vertices of the convex hull of numeric solutions; the step mode is used iff at least one controllable variable is numeric.
val step : step_mode ->
state -> inputs -> state * solution
the default step mode is StepInside
val step_se : step_mode ->
state Stdlib.ref -> inputs -> solution
side-effect version of step
val rif_read : Stdlib.in_channel -> state -> inputs * state
Reads from an in_channel Lucky inputs in RIF
nb: RIF = Reactive Input Format It is the input/output format of most Lustre/verimag tools.
val string_of_value : value -> string